Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to change Epiphany default search from Google to DuckDuckGo (Gnome)

I have been playing around with two new toys lately:  The Epiphany web browser, and DuckDuckGo search.  I might write more on these another time, but for now I want to show you how you can change the default setting for search (in Epiphany) from Google to DuckDuckGo, by using gconf-editor in Gnome:

Fire up a shell, and enter:


A dialogue box will pop up.  Click on apps -> epiphany -> general

You will see a list of things on the right.  Scroll down until you see 'url_search'.  Click that, then right click, and select 'edit key'.  In the new dialogue box that comes up, paste the following into the 'Value' field:

Click, 'OK', and then close gconf-editor.  Now when you open up Epiphany and do a search, you should be looking at a result page from DDG, instead of Google.

Happy DDG'ing!

Humorous AMD Video

With CES looming, and news of AMD winning the International CES Innovations 2011 Design and Engineering Award for its Fusion APU, I have to say I am pretty excited to see Fusion finally coming to fruition.  Anyway, since Fusion is upon us, here is a funny new promotional video from AMD about fusion; watch for AMD President & CEO Dirk Meyer at the end: